Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


Installation and Configuration

In Windows, extract 'agent-4-github-enterprise-<version>.zip’ to an empty directory. In Linux, extract ‘agent-4-github-enterprise<version>.tar.gz’ to an empty directory.  
The extraction creates the following folders:


Modifying the Scanner Dockerfile 

See here for more information on which package managers are part of the scanner image as well as how to add additional package managers.

Build and Tag the Docker Images

There are three different ways of building the Docker images.


A total of three images will be built: wss-ghe-app, wss-scanner, and wss-remediate.

1. Using an Executable Script File

The suggested way to build all the Docker images is by running the build.bat or executable script file (Windows/Linux).
Both files are located in the root of the extracted agent-4-github-enterprise-<version>.zip or agent-4-github-enterprise-<version>.tar.gz files.


  1. Run build.bat file which is located in the main folder where you extracted the agent-4-github-enterprise zip file.

  2. In order to ensure that the build succeeded, run docker images command and check if wss-ghe-app and wss-scanner and wss-remediate images were created.


  1. Run the file, located in the main folder where you extracted the agent-4-github-enterprise tar.gz file.

  2. In order to ensure that the build succeeded, run the docker images command and check if wss-ghe-app and wss-scanner and wss-remediate images were created.

2. Manually Build the Images

In case you want to run the steps of the build file manually, you can run the following commands directly:

IMPORTANT: If you have already run the build file, please skip these steps and continue to Target machine: Run the Images.


After executing the commands, you should be able to view the images in your registry.

Create a WhiteSource GitHub App

  1. Go to your GitHub enterprise instance, select Settings > Organization, and then select GitHub Apps from the Developer settings

  2. Click the New GitHub app button.

  3. Enter your GitHub Enterprise password.

  4. The Register new GitHub App page is displayed. 

  5. Fill in the fields according to these guidelines:

    1. GitHub App name: “WhiteSource App”. NOTE: The name cannot contain an underscore (“__”).

    2. Description: WhiteSource for GitHub Enterprise

    3. Homepage URL:

    4. User authorization callback URL: empty

    5. Setup URL (optional): empty

    6. Webhook URL: A valid URL pattern. This is a temporary value that is changed at a later stage of the installation process.

    7. Webhook secret: Generate and enter a secret value (string) and make sure you copy this value somewhere. You will need it for later. 

    8. Permissions:
             NOTE: Permission fields that are not specified below should be left as is ("No access")

      1. Repository administration: Read-only

      2. Checks: Read & write

      3. Repository contents: Read & write

      4. Deployments: Read-only

      5. Issues: Read & write

      6. Repository metadata: Read-only

      7. Pages: Read & write

      8. Pull requests: Read & write

      9. Repository webhooks: Read-only

      10. Repository projects: Read & write

      11. Security vulnerability alerts: Read-only

      12. Commit statuses: Read & write

      13. Organization members: Read-only

      14. Organization projects: Read & write

      15. Organization hooks: Read-only

    9. Subscribe to events: Select the following events:
      i. Check run
      ii. Check suite
      iii. Issues
      iv. Member
      v. Membership
      vi. Organization
      vii. Pull request
      viii. Push
      ix. Team
      x. Team add

    10. Where can this GitHub App be installed? It is recommended to select 'Any account', so that any GitHub Organization can install this App. Alternatively, you can limit it to your own organization.

  6. Click the Create GitHub App button. 

  7. (Optional) Edit the GitHub App and upload a logo for your App. 


  1. Navigate to the Integrate page of the WhiteSource application. Expand the WhiteSource for GitHub Enterprise bar to view the following fields:

    1. GitHub URL: Your GitHub Enterprise instance Destination URL. For example:

    2. GitHub API URL: The GitHub URL value plus '/api/v3' - <GitHub URL>/api/v3

    3. GitHub application id: From the GitHub Enterprise server UI, go to Settings > Organization Settings > GitHub Apps. Click Edit next to the Github app you created previously. Scroll to the About section. Copy the GitHub ID value and paste it as the GitHub application id input field value.
      Leave this page open in Edit mode, as you will need it for the next field (Github webhook secret).

    4. Github webhook secret: Paste the webhook secret that you generated as part of the Install the GitHub Application step.

    5. GitHub application private key: In the Private key section, click Generate private key. Save the private_key.pem file that is generated. Open this file in any editor and copy its contents. Paste the contents in the GitHub application private key input field. NOTE: The key is encrypted and its value is not revealed to WhiteSource.

  2. Click Get Activation Key to generate your activation key. A new Service user is created for this integration inside the WhiteSource Application with a WS prefix. 
    NOTE: Do not remove this Service user and ensure this user remains part of the Admin group. 

  3. Copy the generated Activation Key to the clipboard. You will need to use it in the next section.


  1. Open the file index.html located inside the wss-configuration directory via a Chrome or Firefox Web browser. The WhiteSource Configuration Editor page is displayed.

  2. Load the template JSON configuration file by clicking Choose File button and selecting the file located at wss-configuration/config/prop.json. The General tab appears in the Editor.

  3. Click the General tab and enter the Activation Key which you copied in the previous section.

  4. To display the Proxy tab, click the Advanced Properties checkbox on the Home tab.  Proxy fields that are not mandatory (e.g., user name and password) must be left blank.

  5. Click Export, and save the JSON file with the name prop.json. This file will be used in the next sections.








Sample Value


Activation Key




Your generated activation key in the WhiteSource application


HTTP Proxy Host

Host Address


HTTP proxy host. Leave blank to disable. Default value: Empty


HTTP Proxy Port




HTTP proxy port. Leave blank to disable. Default value: Empty


Proxy User




Proxy Username (if applicable)



Proxy Password




Proxy Password (if applicable)



Controller URL




The ability to modify the App container URL in case its default name (wss-ghe-app) was modified. Default value: http://wss-ghe-app:5678



Should Create Issues




The ability to globally enable/disable Issues creation across all of your organization's repositories. Default value: true 
(NOTE: Supported from version only)


Should Create Build Status




The ability to globally enable/disable build statuses across all of your organization's repositories. Default value: true 
(NOTE: Supported from version only)

Target Machine: Run the Containers


The wss-deployment folder consists of the following structure:

  • helm

    • configs

    • templates

      • config.yaml

      • wssScmIntegration.yaml

    • Chart.yaml

    • values.yaml

Copy the helm folder from wss-deployment to your target environment. Inside the helm/configs folder, add the configuration properties JSON file (prop.json) that you previously edited and exported using the Configuration Editor.


Code Block
  image: {image}
  version: {version}

  image: {image}
  version: {version}

  image: {image}
  version: {version}

For each image declaration (wssscanner, wsscontroller, wssremediate), replace {image} and {version} with the actual built image name and version.  NOTE: For wsscontroller, use the name and version of the wss-ghe-app image.

An optional parameter, imagePullSecrets, can be added to this file in case Docker repository authentication is required.


In the helm folder, create a new folder named configs, and add to it the configuration properties JSON file (prop.json) that you previously edited and exported using the Configuration Editor.


NOTE: Do not edit this file.


This is a configuration file containing all the parameters for deploying the integration.

NOTE: In this file, there are 3 dashes ("- - - ") that separate the services  Do not remove them.

In order for the webhook URL to be accessible publicly by the integration, a load balancer service must be added to the file. An example of such a service is provided below:

Code Block
apiVersion: v1
kind: Service
  name: lb1
  namespace: acme
  annotations: http "443" "ELBSecurityPolicy-TLS-1-2-2017-01" arn:aws:acm:us-east-7:834027593108:certificate/4720e07a-a231-4fd5-9c4a-12ab1450567d
  type: LoadBalancer
  - port: 443
    name: https
    targetPort: 5678
    app: wss-controller


  1. Copy and navigate to the "public link" of the created app and click the Configure button.

  2. Select Accounts to scan.

  3. If you are integrating multiple repositories and want to apply global configurations, refer here before continuing in this procedure.

  4. Select repositories to scan in each selected account. Select one of the following options:

    1. All Repositories (Default): An option to scan all the repositories of the account.

    2. Selected repositories only: Select specific repositories that you would like to scan.

  5. Click Save. Unless specified otherwise via the global configuration, an onboarding pull request is created for the selected repositories. This request contains a WhiteSource configuration file (.whitesource) that can be customized before merging the pull request. Once the pull request is merged, a WhiteSource scan will be initiatedThe initial PR must be merged to the base branch first. This will then initiate the installation and start the first scan. You can then define further settings (like selected branches) in the .whitesource file.

The .whitesource File

A WhiteSource configuration file (.whitesource) is a JSON file added to each repository that is enabled for a scan. It provides configurable parameters for the WhiteSource scan. The .whitesource file is only added in the default branch of the repository (unless modified, it is the master branch).









The configuration mode to be used for each scan. There are three options:

  • AUTO - Automatic mode. This will use the default WhiteSource configuration. 

  • LOCAL - Local mode. This will look for a local 'whitesource.config' file to be provided in the root folder of the current repository. The configuration file should be in the same format as the Unified Agent configuration file. NOTE: Not supported in the Global Configuration.

  • EXTERNAL - External mode. This will look for a configuration file specified according to the configExternalURL parameter. 





The URL of the external configuration file (you can choose any filename). The configuration file content should be in the same format as the Unified Agent configuration file.

The following protocols are supported: 'ftp://', 'http://', 'https://'.

For example: ''

Note: This parameter is relevant only if configMode was set to EXTERNAL.





Adds the ability to map a GitHub repository to a WhiteSource project. The parameter used needs to be the WhiteSource project token.

NOTE: Not supported in the Global Configuration.





Adds the ability to specify one or more base branches for which scanning results will be sent to a new WhiteSource project.

Example usage: ["master", “integration"]

This will set both master and integration branches as base branches.

Note the following:

  • An Issue will only be created for the specified branch names.

  • Repositories which do not contain the baseBranches parameter will have issues generated for all branches.

  • For each specified branch, a WhiteSource project will be created. The name of the project will contain a suffix "_branchname". For example, MyApp_dev. This suffix will not apply to the default branch.

NOTE: This parameter is available only from version 20.7.1.



In this case, the base branch only consists of the default branch.



When enabled, a new WhiteSource License Check will be generated for each valid push.


  • This parameter is available only from version 20.11.2.

  • You must have it least one policy of match type By License Group defined with a Reject action in the WhiteSource UI.

  • The policy name in the WhiteSource UI must start with a "[License] " prefix.
    For example, "[License] PolicyName".





When enabled, a new WhiteSource IaC Check will be generated for each valid push. This will scan cloud infrastructure configurations to find misconfigurations before they are deployed, and alert on these via the creation of issues.


  • When enabled, after every valid push, a branch (ws-iac-scan-results/{whitesource_scan_token}) is temporarily created and deleted after the scan has completed.











How to display WhiteSource security information for a scan performed on a non-base branch:

  • When set to diff - Only the diff of detected vulnerabilities between the current commit and its base branch commit will be displayed. NOTE: This value is only supported when using the baseBranches configuration.

  • When set to baseline - A summary of all detected vulnerabilities in the full repository inventory will be displayed.





The app utilizes the GitHub Checks API that provides checks in commits and pull requests on any repository branch. This parameter defines the conclusion status for when a WhiteSource Security Check is completed. 

When the parameter is set to 'success', the conclusion status of a WhiteSource Security Check will always be 'Success', even if the check fails. This way, any repository member is able to merge a pull request, even if a WhiteSource Security Check found security vulnerabilities.

When the parameter is set to 'failure' (default), the conclusion status of a WhiteSource Security Check will be 'Failure' in cases where WhiteSource Security Check found security vulnerabilities or an error occurred during the scan. When this configuration is defined, and a branch protection rule has been added, a policy for approving a pull request is enforced. In this setting, only the administrator of the repository can approve the merging of a pull request that contains one or more checks with a 'Failure' status. 

See also Initiating a Merge Policy.





The app utilizes the GitHub Checks API that provides checks in commits and pull requests on any repository branch. This parameter defines the conclusion status for when a WhiteSource License Check is completed. 

When the parameter is set to 'success', the conclusion status of a WhiteSource License Check will always be 'Success', even if the check fails. This way, any repository member is able to merge a pull request, even if a WhiteSource License Check found license policy violations.

When the parameter is set to 'failure' (default), the conclusion status of a WhiteSource License Check will be 'Failure' in cases where WhiteSource License Check found license policy violations or an error occurred during the scan. When this configuration is defined, and a branch protection rule has been added, a policy for approving a pull request is enforced. In this setting, only the administrator of the repository can approve the merging of a pull request that contains one or more checks with a 'Failure' status.

See also Initiating a Merge Policy.





Whether to show additional WhiteSource information such as the project token inside the WhiteSource Check Run (after the scan token).

WhiteSource information is only displayed if the commit originated from a base branch.
If the commit exists in multiple branches, the WhiteSource information displayed will only represent the origin base branch (i.e. where the baseBranches parameter was defined).

The following hidden JSON object will also be added inside the Check Run when this parameter is enabled:

Code Block
<!-- <INFO>{"projectToken":"8cd2d2a8651145c087609e0a43f783e95f7008cb908541498348fed529572e01"}</INFO> -->

NOTE: Additional WhiteSource data may be added inside the JSON object in the future.



Issue Settings (issueSettings)








Enables users to decide whether to open a new GitHub Issue only if a certain severity level is available on a detected vulnerability.

Available values for minSeverityLevel:

  • NONE - No GitHub Issues will be generated.

  • LOW - Any Low/Medium/High vulnerabilities found will generate a GitHub Issue.

  • MEDIUM - Any Medium/High vulnerabilities found will generate a GitHub Issue.

  • HIGH - Any High vulnerabilities found will generate a GitHub Issue.

NOTE: The WhiteSource Security Check summary is also affected by this parameter.





Whether to generate an Issue for every detected license policy violation.

NOTE: This parameter is relevant only if enableLicenseViolations (scanSettings) is set to true.



(only if enableLicenseViolations (scanSettings) is set to true)

Remediate Settings (remediateSettings)








When enabled, Remediate will raise automated Pull Requests for outdated dependencies in addition to Pull Requests remediating vulnerable dependencies. Remediate will then perform all the functionality and support all the configuration options available in WhiteSource Renovate.

See Renovate configuration options for all configuration options.

Refer here for parameter usage.





Whether to enable transitive remediation for NPM repos.

When npm v6 (npm v7 is not currently supported) is used with a package-lock.json file, and vulnerabilities are found within transitive dependencies in the file, then in most cases Remediate is able to successfully remediate the vulnerability. Sometimes it may not be possible to successfully remediate because a parent dependency does not yet have a new release that allows the necessary fixed-in version of the transitive dependency.



Private Registry Settings (hostRules)


You can provide a custom .whitesource configuration file as part of the wss-ghe-app container, in order to apply it globally to all of your organization's repositories. Doing so will apply the file to all onboarding pull requests for newly-selected repos. Repos which were already selected and activated before this change will not be affected by this global configuration. Only newly onboarded repos will be affected. 

To apply this global change, do as follows:

  1. Stop the wss-ghe-app container.

  2. In the wss-ghe-app/conf folder, add your custom .whitesource file (where the prop.json file is located).

  3. Start the wss-ghe-app container.


A WhiteSource scan is initiated via a valid GitHub push command . A valid push command meets at least one of the following requirements:

  • One of the commits in the push command added/removed a source file(s) that has an extension supported by WhiteSource.
    Refer to the WhiteSource Languages page in order to find out whether or not a specific language and its extensions are supported. 

  • One of the commits in the push command includes an addition/modification of the package manager dependency file(s).
    Refer to the list of supported dependency files to find out whether your dependency files are supported.


  • A push command may consist of multiple commits.

  • You can manually trigger a scan for several repositories at once. Refer the Global Repo Configuration document.


The security report displays all the vulnerabilities that were found in descending order according to the severity and CVSS score. The following information is displayed for each vulnerability:

  • CVE: A link to the related CVE page for the vulnerability. Displayed in a collapsible format (click the arrow to expand/collapse for more information regarding the vulnerability).

  • Severity: Overall score of the severity (High, Medium or Low).

  • CVSSScore

  • Vulnerable Library

  • Suggested Fix 

  • Issue - A link to the relevant issue generated by WhiteSource (when available)

Types of Indicators

The following Checks API status indicators are available as a feedback on the head commits:


  • Success: No license policy violations were detected. 

  • Failed: One or more license policy violations were detected during the WhiteSource scan.

Supported Configuration Files


Initiating a Merge Policy


A merge policy utilizes the app's integration with GitHub Checks API. It enables the repository's administrator to approve the merging of a pull request with 'Failed' commit statuses to a target branch in the repository. 
For more information on Checks API, see the related GitHub Checks API introduction page.

NOTE: This integration supports merge policies for PRs created either from a branch in the same repository or originating from a different repository.

Adding a Branch Protection Rule 


  1. Get the latest WhiteSource for GitHub Enterprise version from WhiteSource Support.

  2. Build these three Docker images from the new version - see here.

    • wss-ghe-app

    • wss-scanner

    • remediate-server

  3. Stop currently-running Docker containers from the previous version:

    Code Block
    docker stop <wss-ghe-app> <wss-scanner> <remediate-server>
  4. Remove the Docker containers from the previous version:

    Code Block
    docker rm <wss-ghe-app> <wss-scanner> <remediate-server>
  5. Fetch the activation key from the existing prop.json file (the propertyValue associated to the property "bolt.op.activation.key") and copy it to the clipboard.

  6. Generate and save the new prop.json file by following the steps here and using the activation key value that was just copied. 

  7. Run the containers - see here.

  8. (Optional) If the new wss-ghe-app container has a different URL than the previous container, then follow the guidelines here to update the GitHub App webhook URL.

NOTE: From version 20.4.2. the remediate-db image and container are not required anymore. If you are upgrading from a previous version, you can stop the container and remove the image as part of step 3.
